The ptrs cloud is a self-hosted cloud service provided by to service a select number of users and provide content delivery to other services
The ptrs cloud hosts both individual user content though an AES-256 encryption wall and content designated for servicing other services such as Birdly and The ptrs cloud is designed to maintain maximum uptime and ensure that media and other files are served with both speed and consistency.
Visit birdly.ukHow works
Frontend, backend, and content is hosted on high-speed SSD server drives and securely encrypted with AES-256
Fast SSD storage and exceptional uptime allow content to be delivered quickly and consistently with a rated 99.9% uptime
The frontend allows users and content managers to quickly and effectively manage personal and public content
Regular archival backups and security updates allow hosted data to be highly secure and failure-resistant allows you to easily manage
Some of the services we provide for provides content infrastructure for a range of services in different product and business catagories